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A Scientific Explanation For ArchaeaActive™



Archaea Active™describes the energy-advancing benefits of increased oxygenation at the cellular level which have been scientifically demonstrated through in-vitro tests.

ArchaeaActive™ results from a fermentation process utilizing ancient microorganisms (Archaea) in a complex proprietary process, similar to fine wine making. Vinification techniques long used to transform grapes into wine and sugars into alcohol have been modified to utilize other virtually sugarless sources to produce flavorful fortified water that is crisp and refreshing with a smooth texture that tastes great and leaves no aftertaste. The result is ArchaeaActive™, a refreshing liquid, so clear and pure that even the existence of any tiny amounts of its active organic components cannot be detected by all but the most sophisticated scientific laboratories.

Virtually all water testing laboratories who have tested ArchaeaActive™ have determined it to be pure water with the presence of some trace minerals but with no alcohol, sugars or other organic substances present. However, healthful bodily responses observed by almost all who drink ArchaeaActive™ are truly remarkable.

Research has shown that there are essential highly active very tiny organic molecules that can, even when present in extremely tiny quantities, vastly influence the body’s cellular actions and interactions. These signaling molecules choreograph and continuously orchestrate the symphony of cellular communication necessary for good health. For instance, ArchaeaActive™ maximizes oxygen usage efficiency by increasing blood oxygen presence. This is easily shown, by typically drinking 8 ounces of ArchaeaActive™ will usually raise blood oxygen levels within minutes. As cells and systems function better and more efficiently, less oxygen is required leaving more available to further advance health and well being.

Life requires oxygen movement within and between cells. Anything that increases oxygen concentration in living tissues increases the functional efficiency of those well oxygenated cells. Cells and tissues in optimal state function exceptionally well with a lower oxygen demand—they just do not need as much. The Basic Tree of Life diagram has been designed by scientist who considered the chemistry and makeup of cells and their component parts. Man and animals branch from the same limb as the Archaea; they are quite similar in their chemical and physiological functions. Archaea live within and on most, if not all, humans and other animals. Despite being virtually everywhere, even in close association with humans, animals and plants, no disease causing Archaea has been identified.

ArchaeaActive™ is made utilizing these ancient microbes. In “Probing A DNA Repair Enzyme”, Science Daily, Feb. 18, 2008, Archaea are described as microbes whose DNA repair systems are closely related to those of human cells. Active fermentation using Archaea acting on a suitable medium stimulates these Archaea to produce a broad array of their basic metabolic communicating molecules. These are released into their environment. While they may be present in very tiny concentrations, communicating molecules are extremely bioactive; they are highly effective in cell communications. They are capable of both stimulating needed metabolic activities such as controlling inflammation as well as slowing or blocking overactive bodily responses seen in some diseases such as lupus.

Dr. David Greaves, at the University of Oxford’s Sir William Dunn School of Pathology goes on to point out that these small molecules are active at very low concentrations (trillionths), and they have a great deal of promise for use as new therapeutic drugs. They work by reducing the production of inflammatory cytokines, signaling proteins that play an important role in the body’s response to infection and injury, but are also implicated in excessive immune responses in inflammatory diseases.

The most obvious and fitting explanation is that the fermentation processes utilizing ancient organisms stimulates the production of molecules that have a normalizing effect on cells.

ArchaeaActive™ increases positive cellular bioactivity. This is seen in microbial reproduction and in plants, animals and humans. The most obvious and fitting explanation is that the fermentation processes utilizing ancient organisms stimulates the production of molecules that have a normalizing effect on cells. Those the body can use “as is” or as building blocks to turn off excessive activities or to stimulate processes damaged, lacking or compromised by disease.

Uses for ArchaeaActive™ are as broad as the concept itself. Normalizing cell metabolism could stimulate numerous positive responses within the body. Normalizing accomplished by raising responses if low or, conversely, if abnormally high, lowering to achieve optimum function. Athletes could expect increased performance and therefore it would be an excellent sports drink. Marathoners report being not nearly as tired and have far less soreness after a run. Those with skin or other organ conditions that were the result of inactive or hyperactive cells could expect improvement as cell functions normalize. Cellular insults such as thermal and radiation burns could be minimized. Supplying the signaling molecules is now being examined as a possible Holy Grail in the correction of even heretofore-unknown mechanisms of cellular function and communication. It may prove to be that supplying the body with a balanced broad spectrum of basic ancient signaling molecules may be helpful in treating disease or damage from any insult.

Accumulating evidence is showing that ArchaeaActive™ may supply sufficient signaling molecules to stimulate the body to achieve better health. In many humans and in animals, ArchaeaActive™ normalizes and supports essential body functions to often greatly enhance health and wellbeing.

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