The second phase of studies, which included ex vivo bioactivity testing, demonstrated that ArchaeaActive™ promoted oxygen metabolism and increased ATP production with no associated undesirable increases in lactic acid levels or free radical production. Researchers are not aware of any other supplement or formula, to date, that has the same potential benefits with no known negative effects.
Results have shown to date:
1. The ArchaeaActive™ formula stimulated intracellular oxygen metabolism within fresh, viable human blood cells from multiple donors.
2. The ArchaeaActive™ formula increased intracellular ATP production within fresh, viable human blood cells from multiple donors.
3. As intracellular ATP production went up, intracellular ADP production went down. This is desirable, healthy Krebs Cycle activity.
4. Observed increases of intracellular ATP within blood cells were not accompanied by inordinate increases in intracellular lactic acid within fresh human blood cells.
5. Observed increases in intracellular ATP and oxygen metabolism within blood cells were not accompanied by increases in intracellular HORAC (hydroxyl free radicals) or intracellular ROS (reactive oxygen species).
To better understand the significance of these findings, below are some definitions of terms:
Ex-vivo: Tests performed ex vivo (Latin: out of the living) take place outside an organism but can be performed in or on tissue—in our case, on human blood cells—with the minimum alteration of natural conditions.
Bioactivity: Bioactivity refers to the specific effect on, or a reaction in, living animal or plant tissue upon exposure to a substance., i.e. happenings inside cells.
Oxygen Metabolism: Oxygen Metabolism is one of the key ways a cell burns fuel to produce useful energy. It is a set of the metabolic reactions and processes the body uses to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).
ATP and ADP: ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate (Tri- means 3) is a coenzyme used as the main energy storage and transfer molecule in the cells of all known organisms. ATP breakdown to ADP or Adenosine Diphosphate (Di- means 2) releases effective energy the cell uses in its every activity, including just staying alive. This is a constant process. The rapid breakdown and rebuilding of ATP provides the rapid energy transfer required for efficient cellular activities including growth, reproduction and healing.
Krebs Cycle: The Krebs Cycle refers to a complex series of chemical reactions in all cells that utilize oxygen as part of their respiration process. The Krebs Cycle is ongoing in the human body.
Free Radicals: Free Radicals are molecules responsible for aging, tissue damage, and many diseases. They are unstable and must bond with other mol¬ecules, thereby destroying their vigor and perpetuating the detrimental process.
Lactic Acid: Lactic Acid is the by-product of the anaerobic energy pathway, or glycolysis, whereby ATP is produced from carbohydrate metabolism. Lactic Acid provides fuel for tissues and liver production of glucose and glycogen, and helps use dietary carbohydrates. Too much of it, however, can interfere with electrical signals in the muscles and nerves, slowing energy reactions and causing undesirable physiological behavior.
ROS: ROS (reactive oxygen species). are chemically-reactive molecules containing oxygen. During times of environmental stress, ROS levels can increase dramatically. This can result in significant damage to cell structures.