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How They Met

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

Gene Kaiser

Once Upon a Time...while Jock was "doctoring the youngest member of Gene's family", Gene mentioned that he was going to go into the bioremediation business in order to clean up oil spills and pollution using microbes. Gene went on to explain that with his chemistry background he knew he could develop a formulation that would break up the pollution so microbes could eat it more efficiently and the complete cleanup would proceed more rapidly.

Jock asked, "How do you know your formulations won't kill the microbes?"

Gene replied, "They shouldn't." To which Jock replied, "That is not good enough. Since I culture infections every day here in the office, bring me some samples of your concoctions and I will test them with living organisms and within 48 hours will tell you if they will work; if the microbes survive." Jock continued, "I have spent most of my adult life devising strategies to kill microbes to save lives, surely I can help in figuring out methods to save the lives of microbes and make them happy."

From that conversation in the examination room there soon developed a close relationship that almost immediately included Jock's twin brother, Dr. Jay Collins. As with all twins, Jock and Jay were born on the same day. Come to find out, as the friendship between the three grew they all were amazed to find that they had more than an intellectual and inquisitive bond. They shared the same birthday! Gene, Jay and Jock were born on the same day of the year, thus they would be known as the "IP Triplets".

Twin brothers Dr. Jock Collins & Dr. Jay Collins

The "triplets" quickly established mutual trust and respect between each other. The twin's mother's observation of "what one of them didn't think of, the other one did" was greatly amplified for now three could play ideas and concepts off each other. Gene's broad business background plus his deep understanding of inorganic chemistry coupled with Jock and Jay's insight into organic chemistry, biochemistry and the life sciences created an impressive combination. This led to the first U.S. Patent involving substrate bioavailability enhancing chemical mixture for use in bioremediation.

Through the years as other ideas and many concepts including how cement sets and hardens to properly aligning and surgically stapling tissues back to assure rapid healing with minimal scarring were pondered, developed and patented the concepts of the microbial stimulation activity was always present. The "biowater", initially derived from processes learned in their rural upbringings and long used to speed bioremediation, was continuously brainstormed contemplating its essence - how and why did it work?

As the processes were thought through and possibilities considered, rejected, improved and modified, one day while having a particularly difficult time Gene thought, "the water helps the microbes so much and it has now been improved so that it is produced using only food-grade ingredients, I am going to drink it. Maybe it will help and it surely should not hurt me; it's natural food ingredients in the water."

The results were remarkable. Gene's health immediately began to improve and he felt better. His many and varied disabilities began to subside. All the while his doctors could offer no explanation as to why he was improving. It was only after his health had considerably improved that Gene revealed to his doctors that he was drinking the "biowater". His doctor's olny advice was, "Whatever you are doing, keep doing it."

After years of research and with many of Gene's friends and family trying the "biowater" with virtually universal positive results, it has since been presented to Texas A&M Bioscience team for considerations of its merits. Their laboratory has been researching the therapeutic and pharmacological properties of what is now known as "BiO2Water". A group of longtime consumers of the "BiO2Water" are bringing it to the marketplace so everyone can enjoy it.

The rest is history.

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